Dating as a tall Lankan woman: I’m 5’9”/5’10”, which counts as rare in our island. One of the biggest issues I face, is finding a man taller than me to date. I then thought about the fact that I’ve always wanted a taller man because of how many times I’ve been ridiculed for my-
Height. I was called the ugly black giant growing up, my mum would ask me why I have to be so tall because I’ll never be able to find a Lankan man, nicknames ranged from athinna, gulliver and usa bathali. I tried dating shorter men and would be laughed at because it’s considered-
“Emasculating” for a man to date a taller woman, and also for the woman, people question whether you’re dating a man because he’s short and won’t be able to protect you and doesn’t fit the “real man” image. So I gave up dating Lankan men. I kept wishing I was shorter, but it was-
Not gonna happen. So I would hunch everywhere I went to appear shorter. But then I discovered heels, and fell in love, I don’t go anywhere without heels now. And they’re tall heels. Rarely the kitten heels. So I pretty much tower over everyone most of the time really-
I wish I could let go of the whole I want a taller man preference,yet it’s still very much intact in me. But tbh more than fitting any expected image of a “proper” couple,it’s because I want to be hugged in a way I feel protected and listen to a calming heartbeat of my partner.-
Nothing beats a tall person hug tbh. But I guess I’ll always be the one giving comforting hugs to those I love till I move out of SL next year and get to live in a country where I’ll be considered “normal” or average height. But yeah, it still hits me sometimes.
Long story short, I want tall hugs.
Any of you ladies out there experience this? If so how have you dealt with this? Also I’m aware this isn’t like a pressing issue but it’s just something I’ve thought about. Also, is it also difficult being short?
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