Saw yet another video of someone trying to use ADA to force their way into a store without a mask.

That's not how it works.

They can accommodate you by getting you what you need a different way but you can't endanger others if you cannot wear a mask.
And this is assuming you have a disability that truly prohibits you from wearing a mask, they do exist, and we have to try to continue believing people when they say it VS distrust and hostility as an initial reaction.
Its upsetting that so many people continue to abuse ADA, producing fake documents, certificates, identification, etc. that genuinely disabled people often DO NOT have or own.

This behavior fuels the prejudices and treatment of people who genuinely need these protections.
And to amplify my 2nd tweet on this thread:

Abuse of protections for disabled people should not make you constantly question disabled people.

There are less instances of faking than there are genuinely disabled people and when you allow abusers to make you prejudiced, they WIN.
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