Something has been rotten in the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York for quite some time.

Now, Geoffrey Berman, "the powerful US attorney" is refusing to leave after AG Barr announced that Berman is "stepping down."

Pass the popcorn.
This confirms my observations and strongly held belief that the SDNY has been an abusive and integral part of the resistance and the coup.
It also leads me to believe that breaking news is imminent from the AG and US Attorney John Durham.
The AG needs to send in a detail from the Marshalls' Service to remove Bermann and prevent document destruction.
"Mr. Berman, you're fired!"
Berman claims that AG Barr has no authority to fire him and he (Berman) will remain in office until the Senate confirms his replacement.

The AG needs to quickly send in a detail of the the US Marshall's Service or the FBI to remove Berman and prevent document destruction.
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