Hey folks, today let's talk about the LGB Alliance and its goals, because whole they are quite nakedly a hate group, I don't think people appreciate just how sinister their aims actually are, or exactly why they were formed.

They want to replace Stonewall.
If we take them at their word, is that by supporting trans people Stonewall is not fit for purpose and doesn't defend the rights of those who are "same sex attracted" (their words, not mine), so it needs to go, and be replaced with a group that will fight for LGB rights.
This may seem ironic, considering how they just recently showed their entire ass by claiming it's not homophobic to be against marriage equality. This along with how they use terms like "same sex attraction" lays bare the homophobia within the so-called LGB rights group.
So when I said in the beginning of this thread that their aims were sinister, I'd like you to consider what would happen if they achieved their goals of replacing Stonewall and becoming the defacto LGBT rights organisation in the UK, and what that would mean for LGBT people.
That's what's so sinister about the LGB Alliance.

They are controlled opposition.
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