Stripe thread (I)

1. I'm so impressed by the collison brothers that I think it makes sense to track the company ahead of ipo. Will share more as I learn in this thread. The first on difference vs adyen.
2. "Stripe seems interested in everything but the payment processing component. Adyen is solely focused on the payment processing experience. Stripe talks a lot about “growing the GDP of the internet” and is focused on offering a broad suite of services to wrap around the core
3. payment experience. Stripe Atlas is a great example of how they extend well beyond payments in terms of working with new businesses. When Stripe talks about the future with prospective customers, they touch upon all of the activities beyond the actual processing that they're
4. working on. It's visionary, strategic highlights of a partner that can/will provide a broad array of services. This may not be surprising given Stripe’s deep Silicon Valley roots and that regions predisposition to think about new technology in a grand scale.

With Adyen
5. it's largely the opposite. Adyen is laser focused on payment processing and doing everything they can to improve payment processing. They discuss success and decline rates and what they can do to improve them for you today and over time, higher cart conversion via their
6. support for alternative payment methods and so on. In terms of the window of focus it's short term and more tactical. Put simply, these two companies take very different approaches when it comes to thinking about and discussing payments.

Stripe's model is predicated upon
7. capturing you through a open, simple on-boarding approach and avoiding the large, traditional, payment sales. Vs adyen which is more traditional enterprise sales model.

Being based in Europe, Adyen got its start focused on the "long tail" of alternative payment methods; in
8. fact early on they were white labelled by US processors like Chase Payments to supply only alternative payment methods. So when it came time for head to head competition, Adyen had a head start as they had spent years building out support for alternative payments. Stripe has
9. done an admirable job of playing catchup, but catchup it is.

Stripe developer focus helps. As one CTO positioned it to me "I started out really wanting Stripe to be our choice, just because, you know, developers." don't hear negatives around the Adyen

developer experience; it's mostly more recognizing that Stripe has this huge reservoir of built up good will with the developer community at large."
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