An IMPORTANT Thread about startup questions that might save you heartache, money loss AND help you build a good business...
1) How do you find a co-founder as a non-tech

Build no-code app version, website, or newsletter - generate some hype, users and validation. This will put you in better position, also will show you're not just the idea person
2) Should I be in stealth mode?

My bias, no - promote the F out of it, if not who else will. Talk about it anywhere, everywhere you can, let people know you're building something that will solve their problems
3) What if someone steals my idea

If all you have is an idea, you have a hobby, not a business, once it's out in the wild people will steal it from you anyway
4) Should I pay for initial acquisition

Build an audience before you build a business, initial customers will be free. I've learnt that paid way is not wrong and in fact if done right is great, however initial few should be organic
5) Where can I find organic customers

FB Groups, Youtube comments, Twitter, IndieHackers, HackerNews, Reddit, Slack groups, ProductHunt, BetaList, Word of Mouth, Posting on your own SM, Quora
6) When do I know its validated

I suggest you read @rahulvohra 's method to achieving PMF, it's honestly one of the best pieces I've read

I'm building an app inspired by it as well
7) Should I learn how to code

You need to know how to work with programmers, find patterns and ways to bridge between designers and devs, but don't need to know how to code imo
8) How long does it take to build an app

Depends on what you're looking to build, 1 day or 6 months
9) Where do I find customers ?

Find them before you launch, during validation and build phase. Competitors FB comments section, Cold outreach on LinkedIn, email outreach, sharing blogs about what you've built, Quora
10 )How do you handle failure

You hyper analyse every place you f'ed up, make sure you never repeat it, and you move on. No one remembers failures, only success matters
11) How do I build an app with no coding skills

We wrote a blog about some popular coding tools that need ZERO programming experience to build the bare V1 (link in comments), do note this does not apply for everyone, No Code is still fairly limited
12) When should I pivot

When a fundamental hypothesis you initially made no longer holds weight
13) How do I make my app "AI" focused

AI is an improvisation, not the core of business. Do step 1 first, then introduce AI, no data no AI
14) How do I get an app off the ground

Find a good dev team, Build a no code version for validation, Learn Flutter, JS (3-6 month cycle)
15) How do I promote with 0 budget?

Utilise existing areas where people congregate daily, as mentioned before, PH, Quora, HN, Reddit , FB etc etc
16) What's the main value of an App vs Website

Retention and free access to your customer via subtle push notifications. Make sure you have an effective distribution strategy when building app to take care of the high barrier to entry, TikTok do great with a web version
17) Should you be happy presenting something half baked

Yes, I call it the Shawshank effect, the end solution is so good people are willing to crawl through a mile-long pipe of shit because you solve a very big problem. Focus on that problem and add the bells as you go
18) What should I look for in a Tech Co-founder

Tenacity, Business Acumen, Product understanding and realising none of this shit matters without making $$$.

Notice how I didn't focus as much on tech itself ? (that bits a given)
19) I don't have enough time to build an app

Yes you do, 1 hour a day for 1 week is 7 hours. You can easily build a website, webapp or simple app to get it off the ground, then find a good team to build the full version
20) Do I need to code with all the no-code tools

No code is a short form way to validate your idea, eventually you'll move to your own custom solution (not talking about websites or webflow-airtable combos here), use no code simply as a way to validate * build your own version
21) How important is Design ?

Very! But more importantly, get your copy right. Someone said this and its true, build a beautiful website with shit copy and a shit website with great copy, the latter with convert better each and every single time
22) What should I focus on while my app is being built

Build an audience, newsletter, a customer base, offer people lifetime deals of your product and use those people as your core validators where you can learn from and treat them really well
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