Interesting developments overnight in the SDNY. Not our place to speculate on these developments. I will weigh in though that while we did share our #ClintonFoundation #Whistleblower materials with a number of US Attorneys including @USAttyHuber, we did not share them with
the SDNY. Why you might ask especially given that the CF has a major presence in NYC? On January 5, 2018, US Attorney Berman named Robert Khuzami as Deputy US Attorney in the SDNY. I learned all I needed/wanted to know about Robert Khuzami while writing
my book, In Bed with Wall Street, and more specifically the interaction that Khuzami had while serving as SEC Enforcement Director with then SDNY US Attorney Preet Bharara. In short, Khuzami and Bharara protected Wall Street more than holding them accountable for the frauds
It's their club and we're not in it BUT we are paying for it and they benefit given the fraud, abuse, and corruption perpetrated under the guise of tax-exempt activities.

#ClintonFoundation #Whistleblowers #RuleofLaw
#SDNY #GeoffBerman #InBedwithWallStreet
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