Nairobi traffic jam is too slow today. But that's the least of Kevin's worries. His work contract elapses in a month. He's behind on his car payments. The bank sent an email last week. Again: "How will I survive?" Kevin revs his Subaru up. The jam is moving. It'll be okay.
Ciku doesn't mind the traffic jam. She is in no hurry. The house feels so big lately; Too silent. It would be nice to go back to someone. Her mother has been relentless lately. But Nairobi men are so afraid of commitment. Ciku shifts the Demio to the 2nd lane: Finally, an opening
Oti is agitated by the traffic jam. His sturdy Mercedes tells nothing of his turmoil. The custody battle is taking too long. His mother had warned him: Anne is a bad woman. "I should have listened". A tear snakes its way down his cheeks as he waves for a lorry to pass.
The traffic jam is Cate's escape. She loves her new leather seats. The promotion was long overdue. She should pick Liam from school. But the Landcruiser in front of her is static. "It's time I got Liam a nanny", she mumbles as she shifts the Belta to gear 2.
The traffic jam wastes Mus' time. Since the Curfew, he's been making only 4 rounds. And the boss should repair the matatu's shocks. It's been months since he told him. Mus honks the Scania's horn, as the conductor shouts: "Kasa, Kasa, Kasa". The blaring music regales clients.
Kezia loves the light hues made by the traffic jam; So beautiful from her balcony. She is expecting Troy. He promised to show up after work. She prepared liver: his favorite. She turns her eyes towards the gate. It's his Toyota. He looks so manly in a t-shirt. She giggles & waves
The Nairobi traffic jam is a conglomeration of thoughts, and if you strained your ears slightly farther into the rumble of cars & yelling, you might just catch a whiff of the mumbling brains. It is a symphony of anxiety & peace. Nairobi traffic jam is a throbbing heart.
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