Name: Pamela
Telegram: pampamelaa
All I did was ask her was for her reviews for the nudes and videos she shared and she provided. Then she oso provided FWB but required half the deposit which i asked if got review for that
continuing thread vvvv
Afterwards she did show me the screenshot of the guy sending her the deposit. I then asked her if there was a review for her FWB. She said that there wasnt any and asked me why I was so paranoid. Then she showed me another screenshot of someone else's deposit.
So I thought ok I wouldn't mind buying her stuff so I paid $250 deposit and when we would meet up I would transfer the other half. Few minutes later she created secret chat which deletes messags every 30s and deleted our main chat. Then proceed to say that she thinks im a troll.
Then asked for the other half of the deposit or else there would be no refund and she wouldnt proceed
Please becareful when hiring escorts ppl. Don't do something stupid like me and falling for such shit like paying deposits first. I'll let this be a lesson for myself and for others who are to hire escorts
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