As usual, these days, I awake to read, incredulously, the latest accounts of what is happening, and despair.
I was never particularly political before Leave UK & the corrupt fascists now running No.10 attacked this country, turning us against each other, & letting all the
bigots & racists crawl out of the woodwork. Who knew there were so many?
I used to pay attention, as a lifelong voter, normally voting to the left of centre.
I have watched, aghast, as hot on the heels of the blatant, cynical criminality of Brexit came the grovelling, slimy
toadying to the most nefarious, hateful man ever to hold the office of President of the United States, just to further enrich the already wealthy & achieve their real aim of not just leaving, but undermining the EU & western democracy itself.
I have seen an immoral,
privileged, lying charlatan feted & rewarded with the highest office in the land as ‘a man of the people’ while he has destroyed our international reputation for sobriety & good governance.
All this has been an unbelievable shock to so many ordinary voters & believers
like me, in what we trustingly thought was the innate civility, tolerance & good sense of our people & their once unfailing ability to smell a stinking rat like Farage & his mates a mile off, & mock them mercilessly out of town!
The spectacle of previously decent
Conservative MPs & supporters (yes, I know many will dispute the fact that the words Conservative & decent can be used in the same sentence, but they DID exist), as they have stood by or even encouraged the widespread, open infilitration of their party by rabid extremists
& foreign money-backed players, has been appalling to behold.
I haven’t even touched on the murderous brutality, incompetence & disinformation of their ‘leadership’ as we have been hit by a global pandemic. That speaks, daily, for itself.
These people seem to be in thrall
to a very strange oddball of a man, who has no allegiance whatsoever to them or their party & actually invited him to people No.10 with his frankly evil ideological creatures, without censure or scrutiny. This weirdo, who considers himself a genius, set about purging
any dissenters & systematically dismantling our own democracy by sidelining our parliament, & thereby us, the very people MPs are supposed to represent.
He is gathering all power to himself, as he neuters our once globally envied Rolls-Royce of a civil service.
All that now
stands where the mighty oak of the Conservative party once stood is a rotting, diseased, crumbling husk, hollowed out by deep-seated corruption & the utter, utter betrayal of this country.
Does anyone know why are we standing for this?
How much is enough?
Will we
really let this bunch of crooks inflict another Great Depression on us hard on the heels of an emotionally & economically ravaging pandemic?
They have literally killed thousands of our people & have disdainfully abandoned any pretense of serving the people.
They are a
malignancy, now, which needs to be rooted out & destroyed for the sake of our children & grandchildren or their lives will be blighted for decades.
I know, I am crying out in the wilderness. I am lost too & I
don’t pretend to know how, but we must fight them!
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