Today’s Glasgow United Against Fascism event due to kick off of at 10.30 in George Sq. police already heavily involved with protestors.

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Full circle around peaceful protesters in Glasgow at the moment.

Tiny crowd of the ‘statue defenders’ at present.
Absolutely right...
A welcome to today’s rally on World Refugee Day.

Speakers from @SUTRScotland kicking things off.

“Racism has no place in Glasgow.”
Heavy trade union presence amongst the anti-racists today. ✊🏻👏
Protestors now taking the knee for one minute to remember the murder of George Floyd, and reclaiming Glasgow’s streets.

“Whose streets? Our streets?”
Anti-racism activist @pinar_aksu5 today’s ‘MC’.

“What we witnessed on Wednesday was horrible. We had campaigners here to raise examples of what asylum seekers are going through at the moment...”
“People were being evicted from their houses and into hotels. There’s no proper protection for people. I’d like to dedicate today’s protest to Adnan.”
“We are United here today to say this our street. There is no place for racists and fascists.”
Gordon Martin from @RMT_Scotland @RMTunion today’s next speaker.

“I hope you’re all well, except for the scumbags at the back.”
“Trade unionists, socialists, anti racist and anti fascist campaigners are here. The real virus is here at the back. This is a centuries old virus. Working class solidarity. We will not be intimidated. They are the real cowards.”
“They call themselves loyalists... loyal to who? They’ve been giving a nazi salute.”
Next up: @Jonathon_Shafi, who says it was not an easy decision to make today, with the possibility of catching coronavirus and violent aggressions.

He says a line was crossed Wednesday, and it’s time to act.
“The vast majority of people in this city, when they saw a peaceful demonstration of asylum seeker being attacked by racists thugs, they reviled in horror.”
Says today is about the citizens of Glasgow making a statement.

“Today we say we have drawn a line in the sand. No more!”
Today is a great day, says @MohammadAsif_1, on World Refugee Day.

He stresses the UK is complicit in bombing overseas and creating asylum seekers.
“You are happy to use them as slaves to build your undergrounds and factories, then you drown them in the sea. That is British imperialism.”
Closes by saying the British state is openly facilitating racism and fascism, pointing to Boris Johnson as a culprit of this.
For anyone wondering how it is in George Sq today, it’s fucking roasting.
Cw- antifascism.

Some of today’s placards.
Following this, @PositiveActionH’s @robinaqureshi says it’s time the history of the UK and refugees needs to be told.

She adds that we would have failed in our civic duty if we had not come today.
The @ukhomeoffice might want to check this out. 👀
A message shared from Glasgow MSP @SandraWhiteSNP: “Highlighting the plight of refugees has never been more important... This city was built on the back of people forcibly removed from their homes and countries. It is time we recognised this.”
“Only when we know our past can we move forward” - @SandraWhiteSNP
Following the Black Lives Matter protests in Glasgow, organiser Barrington Reeves brings his solidarity today.

“We will not be moved, and we will not be stopped.”
“They came here under the guise of defending a statue. Now imagine that... your dad waking up in the morning, opening up a can of Tennents, putting on his fake Rangers top and going to defend statues...”
Biggest boos of the day so far for @policescotland and @ScotsPolFed as Barrington hits out at the equivocations between asylum seeker protests and far right fascists in Glasgow in the last week.
More trade unionists uo next. ✊🏻.

Andrew Fullwood from @EISUnion @EISGlasgow next up sending solidarity from teachers across the city.

“It is radically important that we look at changing the curriculum in our school, to include anti racism.”
“It is not just about education, it is about mobilising on our streets. This is the last time this happens. This time we fix it!”
Regarding Glasgow’s history of slavery....
. @pinar_aksu5 calls for those here today to remember @BayohJustice, who was killed by police five years ago.
A message from @scottishlabour MSP for Glasgow, @pauline4glasgow.

“Refugees are entitled to human dignity... we will join with other parties to ensure this takes place in the months ahead.”
Next up, @UniteScotland’s Helen McFarlane, who calls for unity in the trade union movement to show Black Lives Matter.

“At its heart, this is about anti fascism. Let’s be clear - we are in a class war.”
“People can be on the golf course. They can have their cleaners in. But we cannot see our parents now. Are you haveing a laugh?

“We are in this together. If you feel your life is problems... do not blame migrants, other races. Blame austerity.”
Another of @SUTRScotland @AntiRacismDay’s activists, John.
Just a note, from @policescotland today:
Just a couple of dozen protesters still in George Square from the NDL.
John continues, telling us some of his own history.

“This is now the right time to practise what we preach. It’s going to be too late when you don’t act.”
Organisers to now read out names of those who have died.

Victims of the police from Britain and abroad read out and chanted as cops watch on.
“No justice, no peace, no racist police...”
Apologies, I never caught the name of the current speaker from the Black Lives Matter movement:
Some more photos of George Square. Socially distant and anti-racist today. ✊🏻💪🏻
And a favourite here....
A Syrian refugee speaking now. Not going to post any pics or videos, of course.

“I am now in Glasgow, and I consider myself Glaswegian. But I am a Home Office resident. I am not from anywhere else, I am from here. I will fight for my rights and never give up.”
“I have a right to social distancing, but I don’t want to die because of a stupid decision. But they know what they’re doing, moving us to a hotel with 75 other people. Shame on the people who made this decision.”

A very poignant account from inside hotels across Glasgow.
Another message sent in from @FBUScotland @fbunational secretary Joseph Mendy.

“This is a fresh opportunity to right the wrongs of the past. We are all members of the one race, the human race.”
Charlotte Ahmed, from @SUTRScotland, pointing out that going back far enough, we are all immigrants to these shores.
Significant movement of people towards Queen St station by both police and activists.
Back with the speakers, Charlotte Ahmed says the morons have not turned up in numbers.

“We have reclaimed this square today. Let’s take this fight out into the wider society.”
The official rally now over. People encouraged to get home safely and thanked for coming out.

Still a fair crowd around George Square at present.
Police have forced peaceful protesters into a kettle, out of social distancing.
Protesters now chanting let them go and being threatened if they are not removing themselves.
A police medic manhandles a protester who tries to document the police behaviour
Police have been videoing the whole thing and are threatening to arrest those who do not immediately walk back from expanding corden around the kettle
The police are continuing to kettle people, and are refusing to answer shouts about safe social distancing measures clearly not being allowed for those being contained.

“Where were you on Wednesday?”
. @RMT_Scotland flags among those being held in the sun by @policescotland.

Police horses retreating at George Square
Cops challenged perfectly by those defending human rights.
Out of sync, but protesters moved out of the square.
Ingram St, as protesters ask to be allowed to go home.
Peaceful protests continues up Ingram St
Police Scotland will have some questions to answer...
Just turning down onto High St.

“Say it loud and say it clear, refugees are welcome here.”
Heading down toward the Trongate
Protesters have stopped at the Trongate. Repeatedly asking police to release them
Moved along the Gallowgate but quickly turned back.
Police readying to force protesters into Barrowland Park
No movement here. Still stopped on the street.

Now been here around 10 mins
Clear ground between cops as they force protesters across the road.

I’ve been told I can stand here - far away from those being kettled
Those who were kettled now slowly being released by cops to stand on the other side of the street
Long morning. And heading off from the centre.

Going to clock off for now.

Just to reiterate the above, police held a hundreds of peaceful protesters for over an hour, with a lack of social distancing forced on them.
Members of the press were continually disrupted by cops, including the video above. I was not isolated in this.

Where was this reaction on Wednesday? Why was this reaction not rolled out when the fascists were out in force? Questions need asked!
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