Radical feminism is despised because it is corrupted from the root with bigotry, hatred & the desire to crush any woman who does not comply with its frankly batshit belief systems.

You are a cult.

Delude yourselves that you are helping women but you are merely a cult. 1/
The entire concept of radical feminism is built on sand; a woman will never be personally responsible for her own actions. Ask a radfem to take personal accountability and she simply cannot. It is misogyny, it is patriarchy, it is capitalism. She is never, ever to blame. 2/
Most radical feminists are stuck in a perpetual state of infantilisation where solutions to the world are v simplistic; women should not be unduly imprisoned for offences... but somehow we must create more criminal laws to punish. They simply do not grasp working reality. 3/
Most of you are not lesbians either, you are bored heterosexual (occasionally bisexual) women who feel that you are entitled to identify into our lives and therefore speak for us because of your hatred of men & weird fascination/romanticised notion of who we actually are. 4/
You actually do hate men, which is hilarious as I don't - I simply don't think about them very often but your entire world view is shaped by men and the faults of men. Why would I care what a man thinks of me? Most men offer no real significance in my life. 5/
Any criticism of the thinking, writing or output of a radfem is a personal attack - because they are entirely trapped in an infantile state. This is what happens when your world is immersed in nothing more than grand theory and it collides with reality. 6/
The women who do not agree with your grand theories are simply 'handmaidens' or 'dick panderers', they are in need of correction.

All a radical feminist will ever care about at heart is radical feminism to the point it eliminates everything else in her life. It is religion. 7/
You merely only have to look at how radical feminists speak of their beliefs. It is like listening to the religious telling you about a sky daddy. Like Christians praying for your soul at your lowest point, radfems are preying for similar. 8/
It is absolutely calculated that radfems make a point of sourcing out the most damaged individuals they can find, much like their religious counterparts; hanging around the most harrowing stories, seeking to exploit what they can in order to 'rescue'. 9/
The worse the story, the better. The more damaged, the better.

Should the party in question ever question the tenets of radical feminism, she will be closely monitored & attempted to be 'salvaged'. If she cannot be salvaged, she will be discarded. Some 'sisterhood'. 10/
It is normal for radical feminists, upon seeing any woman question their beliefs, to start suggesting that she attends 'real life groups because online discourse is toxic'. This is perfect for radfems, they can get you away from anywhere anyone can monitor them or hear them. 11/
When a radical feminist feels that her religion has been slighted her immediate reaction is usually to lash out - or retreat and write blogs on her perceived sense of sisterhood with her radical feminist sisters and how all other women are merely enemies of women. 12/
Radical feminists use their anger to try and psychologically destroy other women. I'll take my chances with the devil I know.

Over my dead body would I ever live in a society driven by radical feminism. 13/
Women absolutely should exercise their anger. Women have changed the world for others as a result of their frustration at their circumstances. I am thankful to those women - I have nothing to be grateful to a radfem for. 14/
It is worth noting that for all this talk, the only group in the world you are not allowed to be angry at is... radical feminists. Again, much like western Christians, the persecution complex is too deeply ingrained in a radical feminist. 15/
For all their abuse of lgbt people (trans people especially), anger at radfems is a MISOGYNY. Anger at radfems is HATRED. Anger at radfems is literal vawg. Anger at radfems means you hate women. Hyperbolic rubbish. I simply do not like you and you can accept that. 16/
I find it hilarious that this is a group that has parroted a narrative of one group exercising perpetual victimhood whilst all but screaming rocks are misogynistic and at heart bitterly hate men (except the ones who agree with them). 17/
A group that wish to 'abolish gender' whilst endlessly shrieking about make up. There are food banks for babies in this country. That is an atrocity against women's rights, not some girl putting eyeliner on, but then radfems are some of the most unintelligent women to exist. 18/
There are women sleeping rough in the street thanks to an ineffective government but radical feminism will tell you about patriarchy hurting women and encourage you to vote Conservative because "they know what a woman is". Some women just want a roof over their heads. 19/
Radfems have the audacity to wonder why women block them on sight or refuse to have any positive engagement with them, but again - remember it is the cycle of a radical feminist is never to blame to blame for her actions & if you reject a radfem, YOU are the bad person. 20/
The simplest solution in dealing with these women is to not engage with them whatsoever - again, much like when the religious come with their books. They are very well acquainted with the religious anyway; radical feminists love working with the worst of the Christian right. 21/
If you leave the fold, you will be denounced & told you are crazy/unstable.

It is hilarious that radical feminists try and say that this is how they are treated to elicit pity from one another when they do it to every other women who challenges them. 22/
These are the women who made it acceptable to call women handmaidens (so sex slaves raped every month then? V feminist), made it acceptable for men to harass women with this and happily took up with the religious right including pro lifers. 23/
For all this nonsense about "protecting vulnerable women" your 'life long lefties' make every attempt to go after women who sting Le Ego but why not just go on another podcast with your anti abortion pals if she's not busy contributing to another homophobic Christian text? 24/
You'll probably see the "lefties" try & wind down their radical chat because they're the absolute worst of all tbh. The RW ones are at least honest. Always remind them they are *just a radfem*, watch them crumble within a matter of hours. They're utterly predictable. 25/25
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