In case the penny hasn't dropped yet about the true nature of British power and political system, some thoughts based on recent case studies. My contention is that UK democracy is largely an illusion - a nice idea to justify current governance - and that #theukisanoligarchy
2003 Iraq war showed that a tiny cabal around the PM could lie its way to invading a foreign country, dismissing majority public opinion and intern'l law, and garner the support of virtually the entire mainstream media and political class with no comeback after killing up to 1m
2011 Libya war, backed by near-entire UK parliament, despite obvious govt fabrications, confirmed parliament is an appendage of the executive, incapable of holding it to account - as UK/NATO colluded with Islamist actors in covert operations, deepening terrorism in Europe/Africa
December 2019 election totally revealed the mainstream media as parts of state interests, having pursued a 4 year long campaign of fabrications and slurs to ensure the defeat of the anti-establishment candidate, with support of military/intelligence elite and core Labour party
Coronavirus crisis of 2020, and Yemen war, confirm ministers whose decisions contribute to tens of thousands of deaths are immune ("crown immunity") from being held to account or sanctioned in the face of much evidence on their negligence and incompetence.
The Julian Assange incarceration from 2019-20 suggests that UK judicial system has been captured by elite political interests opposed to media actors revealing state crimes to protect military and intelligence relations with the Trump administration, with complicity of parliament
Idea UK is truly a democracy is an act of faith. There are democratic aspects in UK but the power and impunity of the ruling group, and capture of parliament/media, especially on high policies, suggests #theukisanoligarchy . It's staring us in the face but can rarely be mentioned
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