Alright, it's time for me to put my passion for Jewish history into telling all of you a story that you were never taught in history class:

The Time Ulysses S Grant Expelled the Jews
So, it's December 1862. There's a black market doing illegal cotton trading in the South. Some of the traders were Jewish, but majority weren't. However, Grant was convinced that they were all Jewish--thus, he decided to perform some antisemitic executive action.
Ulysses S Grant passed General Order no. 11 on December 17, 1862, which demanded that all Jews in Grant's military district (Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi) must leave within 24 hours. Officers forced Jewish families out of their homes, only bringing what they could carry.
Abraham Lincoln was not aware of this order when it had been passed, and was shocked when he was informed by Jewish leaders. Thus, he decided to revoke the order on January 6, 1863.
Ulysses S Grant expressed regret for this action some years later in his life; however, too many people don't know that this happened, but they should.
Also want to note that while Abraham Lincoln may have been the hero of this story, he actually didn't free the slaves, he just wanted to save the union, and he continued genocide against indigenous people. Him being a hero in this can't overshadow how horrible he was.
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