India - China Tensions are not new, they've been happening since ages.

After the Sino-Indian war in 1962 saw sweeping changes in the Indian military to prepare it for similar conflicts in the future, and placed pressure on Indian PM Nehru.
who was seen as responsible for failing to anticipate the Chinese attack on India.
Because of India's inability to anticipate Chinese aggression, Prime Minister Nehru faced harsh criticism from government officials, for having promoted pacifist relations with China.
The then Indian President Radhakrishnan said that Nehru's government was naive and negligent about preparations, and Nehru ADMITTED HIS FAILINGS.
Will we see our Prime Minister Admit to his failings? Nehru changed his foreign policy after the War, will @PMOIndia do the same?
After more border clashes in 1967, Sikkim became an Indian state in 1975, after a referendum which resulted in "overwhelming support" for the removal of monarchy and a full merger with India.[16] The Indian annexation of Sikkim was not recognised by China during the time.
In 2003, China indirectly recognised Sikkim as an Indian state, on agreement that India accept that the Tibet Autonomous Region as a part of China, though India had already done so back in 1953. This mutual agreement led to a thaw in Sino-Indian relations,and there has been peace
In October 2011, it was stated that India and China will formulate a border mechanism to handle different perceptions as to the LAC and resume the bilateral army exercises between the Indian and Chinese army from early 2012.

That's what Foreign Policies are for right? To prevent war, to settle disputes by using rationale, diplomacy and intelligent dialogue? What are we missing? And are we asking the right Questions to The Present Government about it?
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