I played and streamed the 4 first hours of #TheLastofUsPartII tonight. The stream lasted 5 hours though. The first hour was just about the menus. I'm not used to thread, Twitter is not really made for that, but I must express myself on that. (1/?) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/656148254
I lived something that was so strong by opening a menu for a reason. I dreamt about those kind of options for as long as I remembered.
Seems quite obvious however. The ability to customize and register those profile for key binding.
It still took more than 30 years (2/?)
As I grew up, I just adapted, like for everything else in my daily life. Constantly being reminded about the fact that I wasn't made for the world I lived in. And my passion was in the same state as everything else.
I had to adapt to a world designed for two hands (3/?)
But when I opened this menu earlier tonight, I saw a clear message. "We thought about you. You no longer have to adapt"
The fact that those options exists doesn't change the nature of the product or the experience that was designed for it. It allows me to live it normally (4/?)
But it doesn't do so by forcing me to fit the normal spectrum. It enlarged said spectrum to include me in it instead.
That's the key to accessibility in my opinion. Just give more option to customize the player's experience. (5/?)
They want the subtitle to be green, let them have it. They want an easier experience for one of your mechanic, let them have it. They want to play with one hand, even if they have two, let them do it.
Let them experiment your game the way they want to (6/?)
It's not about changing the core experience, it's just about giving option to the player to create the best environment possible for them to enjoy it.
Today, The Last of Us Part II have set a milestone in the industry. (7/?)
To all my fellow developpers out there, please let this be the new standard for your games. Please allow all the players, with any disability or even without any, to craft their environment to enjoy the experience you spent so much time and effort to create. (8/?)
Let everyone enter your worlds with ease. Let everyone know that they won't have to adapt to these world like they have to adapt to this one. Because contrary to this one, yours were designed for everyone.
Thank you for reading this. (9/9)
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