Okay since I’ve uncorked the bottle I’m just going to say a few more thing: Can we just start believing people? Can we start listening to people and thinking critically outside of our own selfs for five seconds. It should take massive movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter
For all of us to pause and think. I’m so sick of seeing & hearing people say “well I’ve never expienced X, therefor your experience with X is invalid and must be a mistake or wrong or something that fits in my sphere.” Do people realize how fucking ignorant that sounds?!? I’m
Guilty of doing that in the past and unfortunately I will probably do it again in the future but I am trying because we have to do better. We have to care about those around us. We have to look out for each other. If one considers themselves Christian might I reference
Galatians 6:2 “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” We can’t keep ignoring other people’s expiences and pain. This world desperately needs more empathy and compassion.

Human rights is not a political position it’s a Human position.
If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. If you don’t like athletes/anyone with a platform advocating for human rights or other causes they believe in then hit the unfollow button. You don’t have to comment with your all lives matter bullshit. After all
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

If you think or say “we’re not ALL racist” please tell me what an acceptable number of racists is. Please tell me more about your experience as a white dude with racism or profiling.
Thinking outside of ourselves is HARD. Listening to and believing other people experiences is uncomfortable. We have to be willing to concede that we don’t know everything and work together to create a better county for EVERYONE. Compassion. Empathy. Respect.
A song a heard a while back really rattled me & hit on a lot of things I’ve heard was I’m not racist by Lucas Joyner. (EXTREME laungaue alert NSFW or children)
While we are uncorked: Wear a damn mask. It’s also not political. It costs you absolutely nothing. Even if you “don’t believe the science” then do it out of compassion for the people that do. Stop being selfish & just pretend about someone other than yourself for 5 minutes.
Here’s the TL;DR of the whole thing: Please have more compassion & Empathy. Please believe people and stop being selfish.

End rant. Cork back in the bottle.
You can follow @ParkerRob78.
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