(This is the first of several related tweets dealing with tonight's tearing-down of the statute of Albert Pike)

As a part Native American (Cherokee) I would like to weigh-in on the politically-correct bullshit going on in my country...
Tonight, White Liberals in the Media and the Congressional Black Caucus are celebrating the tearing down of the Albert Pike Statute -- a Man who fought for Native American rights and fought against their genocide by the North / Union....
On behalf of American Indians, he negotiated a homeland for them in the South -- away from the North's Genocidal War Against Them....
Is this really the heritage which we wish to embrace -- i.e., why are we celebrating further humiliation of American Indians by pompous-ass idiots who have never read a f***ing history book?

Per Wikipedia: "[Pike] specialized in claims on behalf of Native Americans against the federal government. In 1852, he represented Creek Nation before the Supreme Court in a claim regarding ceded tribal land. In 1854 he advocated for the Choctaw and Chickasaw....
"These relationships were to influence the course of his Civil War service."

More per Wikipedia: "At the beginning of the war, Pike was appointed as Confederate envoy to Native American nations. In this capacity he negotiated several treaties, one of the most important being...
"one of the most important being with Cherokee chief John Ross, which was concluded in 1861. At the time, Ross agreed to support the Confederacy, which promised the tribes a Native American state if it won the war."
As a Native American who had relatives fight for the South to prevent their extermination by the North -- remember the f***ing Trail of Tears? -- who-the-hell wants to tell me my ancestors had no right to defend themselves?
(Sorry for the earlier typo -- I meant to say "Albert Pike Statue.")

For those wanting to learn more TRUTH about the Civil War, Stand Watie (a Cherokee Indian fighting against Northern Genocide) was the Last Confederate General to Surrender.


One more thing...

Before the Cultural-Genocide Fascists took over the Democrat Party and U.S. Media, this children's novel won the prestigious Newbery Prize:


Before the Cultural-Genocide Fascists (i.e., White Dems, U.S. Media, & Congressional Black Caucus) have it destroyed, here is a YouTube Video from The History Channel entitled, "Indian Warriors: The Untold Story of the Civil War":
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