Bully Barr, how do you obstruct justice? Let us count the ways:

1. LIED about the contents of the Mueller Report, claiming that it found “no evidence” of colllusion or obstruction of justice

2. Attempted the redact material in Mueller Report which reveals that Trump DID collude
3. Tried to interfere in sentencing of Roger Stone, who we now know was communicating with Trump about said collusion

4. Is trying to get the case against Flynn dropped, against the interests of justice as a former federal judge serving as amicus has stated
5. Is dropping the case against RUSSIA, which attacked the U.S., by classifying info necessary to prosecute Russian defendants

6. Has testified that he doesn’t believe that foreign assistance to a campaign is even a crime if it is not directly by a “foreign intelligence service”
7. Had his OLC justify blocking a whistleblower complaint required by law to reach Congress from ever reaching Congress (an opinion which was soundly rebuked in a letter from collective Inspectors General)
8. Oversaw his Criminal Division deciding — before even investigating — that secretly extorting a foreign country to investigate a political opponent would not constitute a violation of campaign finance laws
9. Has appointed, without any legal basis that I am aware of, political appointees to (repeatedly) “investigate the investigators” of Russian interference even after the DOJ IG has investigated it
*taling a break to refill wine glass*
10. Where was I? Oh yes: Got “activated” by POTUS to tear gas peaceful protesters and clergy members in violation of the Constitution of the United States

11. Has YET to mention that right-wing extremists are the most dangerous domestic terror threat AS TESTIFIED TO BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE FBI

12. But meanwhile has put the Joint Terrorism Task Force on investigating Auntie Tifa who is his imaginary foe
13. Has been pimping hydroxychloroquone in his free time for no apparent reason even though by the way we know it kills people

(Not sure this is obstruction but it’s super cray cray so including it)
14. Now is trying to fire the U.S. Attorney for SDNY which, among other things, has evidence that:

a) Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in criminal campaign finance violations in conjunction with the indictment against his former lawyer, Michael Cohen
b) was investigating to co-conspirators of Jeffrey Epstein who died under mysterious and as yet unexplained circumstances and who by the way used to work for his DAD who wrote a bizarre novel about space sex trafficking (someone else please take over this piece because I can’t)
c) was reportedly investigating Fruity G & Co. playing Scooby Doo in Ukraine digging up sketchy dirt on his political opponents (see #2 and 3, reprise)
d) is obviously investigating other things which will continue “without interference” as per SDNY U. S. Attorney who

i) never was told he was “resigning” and

ii) isn’t resigning
APPENDIX A: (To tweets #11 and 12) Took it upon himself to bring in unidentified, armed federal agents to DC to intimidate the population and usurp the authority of the DC mayor*

*reserve the right to add appendices and additional vidence that I forgot or which may arise
15. I am SO EFFING DONE with this dude and if Ted Cruz wants I will wrestle Barr and settle this once and for all if Congress isn’t willing to impeach him because this %#*$! has Got. To. Stop.

END (but to be continued)
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