The sprawling investigation currently threatening Trump's presidency is the investigation of Giuliani. The odds that the Berman firing has to do with Giuliani, not Turkey, are high, with a caveat: Trump—via Stone—expected illegal aid from Turkey in 2016 and likely wants it again.
What I think has to be said full-throatedly by every lawyer is that Trump and Barr have both engaged in acts of obstruction already that would be treated as a crime in any other context, and should be in this one. So a modus operandi has been established that this firing follows.
We now have the fired person all but confirming that this is about an attempt to shut down certain investigations. The Giuliani investigation *involves Giuliani's illegal lobbying for Turkey*—so even a firing prompted by the Halkbank case *is* about protecting Trump and Giuliani.
Everyone needs to be clear in saying that the public evidence points toward a crime in progress—and an impeachable one. If we dither and say "Hmm, I wonder what this kerfuffle is about?" we buy POTUS *months* of time to continue in what appears to be a course of criminal conduct.
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