The accusation of Lenin being a slave owner because of "forced labor camps" and "gulags" is SO FUCKING RICH coming from the country that props up the prison-industrial complex, the 13th amendment, and capitalism.
I will follow this up because clearly reactionaries aren't getting the memo- but the point is this, even if we agree that Lenin was a slave owner and horrible person, by that same metric, holding the us president to the same standard. The president is also a slave owner.
My point was that if it's wrong for them to do it, it's wrong for us to do it. If you want to act like the two aren't comparable, then that's on you but in that case you're completely ignoring how horrific it actually is here to protect your belief of America as city on the hill
And by doing that, you're shutting down any conversation by black and brown people of why they're upset with the system we have. And that's very telling.
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