okay gonna "not a lawyer but have unfortunately had to deal with a lot of shit" for a sec.

When someone says "I fired X" right after X got accused of some shit, please don't ask them to clarify if they did it because of recent accusations against X.
Two reasons:

1. Of fucking course they did, don't be obtuse.

2. Libel/slander/defamation laws are complex, but saying in writing "I did this because of the accusations" exposes the accusers to legal risk.
Along the same lines: don't "WHY DIDN'T YOU COME FORWARD [SOONER]" at people unless you've got their legal fees covered.

"But SLAPP laws, Annalee!" LOL sure, you covering the lawyer who'll get a case thrown out for SLAPP? Bring that checkbook if you're going to ask me for names.
There are eleventy million excellent reasons why survivors often don't feel safe naming names.

No, the whisper network isn't sufficient, and you know whose fault it is that we don't have a better system?

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