Dear wrestling fans: Your heroes can be abusers. Too often, fame protects celebrities from facing consequences for committing sexual violence. They also use fame to groom victims. Many victims don’t disclose becuase they feel “Who will believe me over them?” #SpeakingOut (1/4)
And sexual harassment and violence happens in all walks of life and fields. You think it doesn’t happen in pro wrestling and by wrestlers? Just look at some of the storylines. (2/4)
While you may admire wrestlers as characters. You don’t know who they are behind closed doors. Many abusers are charismatic and affable in public and monsters in private. It’s a very common thing. (3/4)
Finally, “believe survivors” doesn’t mean you don’t question and inquire. Everyone has the right to due process. But it does mean you don’t automatically assumed it didn’t happen and then start trashing victims as sluts, liars, and threatening their lives. Stop it. (4/4)
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