gonna ramble on a bit about fuuka as a character and namely analyzing her and giving my own interpretation on her as a character and what i think. fuuka as a character is one that doesn't really stand out as much as the others due to her past not being as prevalent as-
-everyone else in SEES, but i thought it'd be fun to look at her and the issues she faces before and during P3. whether it be portable or FES.
when we first meet fuuka, she decides to join up with SEES despite what harm may come to her due to her home life being not entirely the best. with her parents both being doctors and the type of expectations and responsibility that is put on her, it causes her to develop-
-an inferiority complex. she constantly doubts herself, puts herself down, and thinks the worst will happen out of everything that she will commit herself to. yet, it ends up ruining her. it ends up causing her to instead falter at things she would want to try or friends she'd-
-want to make due to her immediately thinking that the worst will happen. it's why she's so shy, so timid, and so doubtful of her own skills even if they are things she's good at and it's why she instead prefers to cave into her esoteric interests rather than branch out-
-until she joins SEES. before she joined SEES, she always had these set of interests (and still does) that not everyone found normal for her gender, especially around the time that P3 is set in. messing around with machines and playing games on the computer aren't things that-
-one would usually associate with someone of her gender at the time. while the atlus developers may have not intended it, it's really nice to see a character challenge those said traditional gender roles and what comes from doing so. fuuka ended up getting ridiculed for these-
-interests. she's different, she's shy and timid, she's frail and is attributed to just have an illness when missing. even when she finally sees natsuki, fuuka is too kindhearted to be mad at her. now, this is where i'm gonna deviate a bit, but i feel that fuuka-
-is someone that has been bullied a lot in the past and present of P3. natsuki states that fuuka seemed "frazzled" during their encounters in the faculty office, yet when fuuka finally sees her, she goes over to try to help and to try to protect her. even despite the-
-circumstances. she still tries to make room in her heart to forgive her, and i feel that she does so because she's dealt with bullies before. with how kindhearted she is, she can't forgive herself to ignore people, so she tries to own up to her bullies by reciprocating kindness-
-to their harassment, and, we see it work with natsuki. even though this may be a bit of a stretch, i think it may be true as well considering how fuuka's inferiority complex not only seems to her doubting herself and her own skills, but by also thinking that the worst-
-may happen from what she does. her being shy and timid coming from how she's afraid to speak up because of the repercussions that may happen if she says or does something wrong. it's why we finally then come to her joining SEES and her finally having peers that she can-
-actually view as friends by the end. fuuka having joined SEES though puts her in a position where she's around people that she's particularly intimidated by, not because of something they did to her but because of how they are such different people in comparison to her.-
-yukari, mitsuru, and akihiko respectively just being some of the more popular kids at school while her own worst experiences of bullying had been subjected by her more popular peers. its why i interpret she begins to start taking up cooking as a hobby. not because she's-
-afraid of her friends but because she wants to make them happy. she wants them to like her and she wants to feel like she's helpful and that she's doing something to help everybody in SEES even if just supporting in battle as she does is enough already. she downplays the-
-skills and interests she already has saying that they aren't that impressive, while also calling herself hopeless in return whenever she fails to make something. she thinks herself inferior, hopeless, and not able to be skilled of anything despite constant reassurance.-
-near the end of her social link, fuuka begins to come to terms with this. she realizes that the way she does things isn't the way that everybody else does things. at some point, while cooking with minako in P3P, she brings out a thick notebook that she uses to write down-
-every. little. thing. minako does to make sure that she doesn't miss anything and understands how to do it. she begins to understand herself and how she needs to operate to do things, and even begins to make amends with herself by becoming more confident in herself-
-and trying to like herself more for how she is rather than try to be something she isn't, even if it is in something as little as cooking. and, honestly, by the end of the social link, it feels amazing to see how much fuuka as a person has grown. she realizes-
-that trying to fix her mistakes isn't by putting forth a better effort but instead by doing it the way that is the best for you. it's why, when fuuka's revelation finally comes around, it's so ... pleasing to see. to see her finally figure out what she had done for so-
-long and how it was unhealthy for her. when natsuki tells fuuka to pursue what "she wants", fuuka begins to question herself. even if she realized that she had to accept herself from minako/minato, it never really clicked that she had to do so until hearing it from-
-one of the people that bullied her. it's why she decides to cook, even if she does end up liking it by the end, she subconsciously began to cook because she wanted to try to please everyone in SEES. she had been bullied so much by her peers over the years that it-
-degraded her self worth to the point that she got conditioned to think down on herself and that she had to unhealthily fixate herself into interests that she would dislike just to make sure she wouldn't get bullied and instead be liked. simply putting friendship on such-
-a high pedestal ruined how fuuka perceived her own self worth and the value of the people around her with how she didn't care for what she wanted. though, while i do love fuuka's revelation, i feel that even when she realized what SHE wanted, she still ended up-
-focusing on others by thinking about how it makes her happy to see other people be happy. mainly with how that could still allow the problem to fester with how she pursues interests that she may not necessarily like to please others. even if its unhealthy.
also just gotta say, Yes I Referred To The P3P SL
Yes I Know There Are Not A Lot Of Differences
I Just Like Them Being Friends, Not A Romantic Relationship
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