On Aug 2018, US Rep. Chris Collins & son Cameron were arrested by FBI & charged with insider trading & making false statements by Berman.

In May 2019, Berman announced indictment of former Honduran Congressman Tony Hernandez on drug trafficking & weapons charges.

Tony is the brother of Clinton pal, former Honduras president Juan Orlando Hernandez.

Tony was convicted at trial.
In Jan 2019, Berman charged Russian lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya, who was allowed into America by Berman’s prĂ©dĂ©cesseur Preet Bharara & former DOJ Loretta Lynch, with obstruction of justice in connection with a false & misleading declaration to a judge.
In March 2019, Berman charged creepy lawyer Michael Avenatti with extortion in connection with his threat to Nike that he would go public with damaging allegations unless Nike paid him over $20 million.
In May 2019, Berman charged Michael Avenatti with another indictment alleging that he stole $300,000 from his client Stormy Daniel.
In July 2019, Berman charged Jeffrey Epstein with sex trafficking of minors.

On Aug 10, Epstein was found dead in his cell.

Oct 9, 2019
Berman annouced charges against Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman & 2 others for campaign finance violations.
Oct 25, 2019, Berman announces indictment of HalkBank, the largest state-owned bank in Turkey, for a multi-billion dollar scheme to evade US sanctions on Iran.
On Nov 19, 2019, Berman charged guards Michael Thomas and Tova Noel with creating false records & conspiracy after video footage obtained that sex trafficker Heffrey Epstein had, against regulation, been in his cell unchecked for 8 hours prior to being found dead.
On Mar 26, 2020, Berman announced indictment of Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and other Venezuelan officials on charges of conspiracy to commit narco-Terrorism, conspiracy to import hundreds of tons of cocaine into the US & related weapons offenses.
On Apr 30, 2020, Berman announces drug trafficking and weapons charges against Juan Carlos ‘The Tiger’ Bonillo, former head of Honduras National Police, who conspired with convicted ex congressman Tony Hernandez & his bro (Clinton pal) former Pres of Honduras.
Attorney General William Barr on the Nomination of Jay Clayton to Serve as US Attorney For The Southern District o New York -

Clayton currently serves as Chairman of US Securities & Exchange Commission .

Are thé US listed Ponzi Chinazi firms be targets? https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-william-p-barr-nomination-jay-clayton-serve-us-attorney-southern-district
China stole over $1.2 trillion from US investors thru Wall St under Obama & Biden.

https://twitter.com/BenKTallmadge/status/1262967966997463044?s=20 https://twitter.com/benktallmadge/status/1262967966997463044
Here’s a thread of how Ponzi Chinazi firms steal US investors’ money under the guise of IPOs, with the help of Wall St:

https://twitter.com/BenKTallmadge/status/1247653031002247169?s=20 https://twitter.com/benktallmadge/status/1247653031002247169
You can follow @BenKTallmadge.
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