to the 12-14 y/os on this app: no one is calling you a child to belittle you. we’re sure youre smart, but that doesn’t change that youre impressionable and most of you arent always as safe online as you think... as your seniors, we just want to make sure you’re being safe!
this does apply to all minors yes but as a 16 almost 17 y/o i’ve had more experience than 14 y/os online. now i’m aware of how to stay safe, but if someone called me a child and told me to be more careful, id listen. i know i have a lot to learn too, even w my experiences.
also!! this isn’t an invitation to call someone a child as an insult, you shouldn’t be calling them dumb, they’re just (as i said) impressionable and unfortunately theyre the biggest targets online because of their age and naivety. keep them safe, don’t bully them.
anyways i strongly encourage anyone under the age of 13 to get the hell off twitter and come back when you’re the proper age please... this isn’t a place for anyone less than 13 years old, really! goodnight 💤
anywho anitwt follow me and
please look through this thread to go research! see what you can do! BLM, ACAB, gay and trans rights
tw / grooming , trauma , predator
muting this now cause ppl are getting mad and that really wasn’t my intention of this post!! i’m really sorry if i offended you, i just really want y’all to stay safe dkfndnw
im so sorry, i know worded a lot of it really shitty; i never meant to make you think i’m calling you dumb! i promise i’m not trying to offend! i’ll learn from this, thank you for letting me know what i said wrong! but my point stands, we should look out for each other online 💖
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