Glad @OncologyNursing is promoting #AntiRacism,now let’s overhaul the #ResearchAgenda that makes no mention of structural #racism/ #whiteness but *does* LIST “health disparities”of #BIPOC/ #LGBTQ+/rural ppl described w/ deficit models blaming “behavior”, obesity, participation...
ONS has many talented nurse scientists, scholars & clinicians. I’m sure we can find ways to improve the org’s research priorities to reflect structural forces impacting cancer-related health outcomes, & accountability to communities oncology nurses serve incl BIPOC & Queer folx.
And I say this with tremendous affection for an org that has been my professional home since I 1st became an oncology nurse in BMT.

I say this with much gratitude for getting to serve as your 2019 ONS Annual Congress keynote speaker.

It’s time to decolonize the Strategic Plan.
Actually, waaaay past time. The next best time is now.

No more deficit models.
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