Imagine if there wasn't a defamation law in Ireland and you could publicly out a big nonce in the music industry that's been known to gift phones to teenagers so they can have private chats 🤔
Funny how it isn't illegal to have a slew of teenagers you are talking to as an old creep just waiting for them to turn 18 so you can 'date' them as an 'adult' and discard them once they are inconvenient to your ego
I work in a college where new students are regularly 17 etc starting, and even if they are not, middle aged white men in positions of power still have a problem with realising that it is their job to put boundaries in place and hold themselves to account
Instead blaming kids for how they dress, and saying things like "oh you'd want to watch yourself around them they know what they're doing" shit. The most ignorant abdication of their own full ass grown adult responsibility
They do this shit with mature students too, completely ignoring the still ever present toxic dynamic and abuse of power. And i'm sure it goes on in science, humanities and the arts, and business and tech depts too
Saying platitudes now and apologising and being angry is not any use to anyone until we start making people account for themselves. I've been at the very least complacent, and arguing to give people the benefit of the doubt in the past for behaving disrespectfully to girlfriends
And I for sure have been careless and hurt those around me, being ignorant of boundaries and throwing out callous flippant remarks. Everyone should be held responsible for the hurt they caused, no matter their circumstances or awareness
My DMs are open if anyone wants to talk or if anyone wants to confront me for my own behaviour
Thanks to everyone that has DMed trusted me enough to talk about their experience. Ye are all legends that deserve so much more
And for those that recently followed me, I won't follow back as I don't want to feel invasive but my DMs are still open to you of course
Gas about Glen Hansard obviously. He knew his costar on once since she was 13 and started dating during production when she was conveniently 18, while he was 18 years older. Isn't that not disturbing at all for an Oscar winner to be above reproach and not be suspected of anything
Everything there 100% above board and not problematic at all
The @DublinRCC is an incredible resource. If you have been affected by this and wish to talk about your own experience with their staff, no matter how innocent you might have believed it to be:
Confidential 24/7 National Helpline 1800 77 8888
Predators do not need to be targeting literal children before you intervene with a "now that's not on". They can groom adults too. There are numerous small and insidious ways that they traumatise and disrespect boundaries, escalating gradually as they undermine people's selfhood.
This is an excellent thread with a compressive listings of red flags and behaviours they use to take advantage of and destroy their targets autonymy to make them more 'agreeable'
Also, being aware of the above linked thread, talk to your place of work about their policies on transparency. If someone is fired from one place but the reasons are hushed up, how does that make the victims safer? How does it get the abuser to actually confront their actions?
Though this is related to the games industry, it does draw attention to a lot of the same parasocial aspects of work env, especially live performance industries. Do not use your place of work as a dating pool especially fans. Be professional use boundaries
Linda has a brilliant thread on the 'spectrum' of sexual assault here. It is not always physical, but is always violently dehumanising
If you were active in the Irish gig music 'scene", Whelan's in particular but others too, when you were a teenager or young adult: please talk to the friends you are still in touch with, this toxic behaviour is so normalised that it can really do a number on you.
It may seem empowering like a grown up adventure when these people with power and influence focus their attention on you. Many people have been in touch after completely revisiting what they had though was a 'teenage fantasy' with some 'rockstars' that were twice their age.
This toxic and traumatising 'groupie' culture is maintained by these predators and their methods of dehumanising their targets and breaching boundaries due to their influence and power.
Whatever the outcome of these encounters it is not the fault of a vulnerable and isolated 16 year old who is suddenly getting attention from someone they are a fan of. It is base misogyny, an ego trip for these brittle and shallow middle aged men. Please stay safe & keep talking
People being isolated and unsure, blaming themselves, feeling guilt and shame, calling themselves a groupie, a 'slut', all these things serve the agenda of these predators to continue without consequences. Try if you can to unburden yourself of these feelings with those you trust
They may well have their own experience they are too afraid to share. Communication honesty and openness is the best way to expose this for what it is, and dismantle the patriarchal structures that enable this trauma to occur
It would be great if these industries actually cleared their rosters of these old misogynists so some actual professionals could do their jobs & build their careers rather than constantly being intimidated undermined traumatised and driven away by the greed & lust of these ghouls
This is an excellent thread on what your role is if there are abusers in your social circle. Confronting people will only work if they confront themselves & work on their behaviour. Punitive systems further ostracise those from getting the help they need
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