1) Richard Livingston
June 15 at 2:54 AM · Shared with Richard's friends
FROM 3D to 5D - Many ask what it will be like to make this Transitional Shift.
WATCH: The Celestine Prophecy Full Movie 2006
(Also you can read the book as I did in 1995)
2) GO TO: (1 hr. 23min.) to watch what the shift may be like for you and your body.
Only naturally occurring things within the planet will ascend, as all man-made synthetic materials within 3D reality will disappear during the shift.
3) Most of human technology will not exist after the shift, as synthetic type objects will fade away and disappear from our view.
A New 5D Earth will start to appear and materialize that will give us access to advanced technologies all around us.
4) THE 5D HUMAN BODY will have many extra sensory gifts, advanced abilities. These may be, Telepathy, Levitation, Teleportation, being able to see energy wave patterns, instant manifestation abilities, etc.
5) Some say this Transition will take about 24-hours, to transition from the 3D to 5D Reality, for the planet to fully cross over into the next Dimension.
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