WARNING: the next thread is graphic, violent and disturbing. Please view with caution.
1/ Crime by its definition is race free. It does not inflict prejudice or bias on anyone based on their skin colour. Everywhere you look people blame police for the reason criminals commit crime; I believe systematic racism is the term commonly used.
2/ There are reasons why crime rates are higher in certain communities more than others, but it has zero to to do with legislation or enforcement of it. Statistics are constantly being misrepresented and manipulated, if analysed honestly they would completely crush the narrative.
3/ Nine unarmed black people were killed by police in 2019. Out of those nine, most were deemed justified.
4/ In 2017 blacks committed 64% of the violent crimes that white people did (38% / 59%) but accounted for less than 50% of white deaths by police. You’re actually safer as a black person committing a violent crime than a white person.
5/ Black peoples commit 10 times as many violent crimes against whites (44 times more often adjusted to population size) compared to white on black. That includes twice as many murders.
6/ USA Bureau of Injustice 2018:
Total number of violent crimes - 4.1 million.
Total number of interracial violent crimes - 607,700.
White on black crime - 59,800 (9.84%).
Black on white crime - 547,900 (90.16%).
9/ https://twitter.com/jfnyc1/status/1273231837201084422
10/ https://twitter.com/andrewneill91/status/1272914859387224065
11/ https://twitter.com/breaking911/status/1273359200744280066
12/ https://twitter.com/respectheshoota/status/1273105772453466114
13/ https://twitter.com/defund_the/status/1274118763529592835
14/ https://twitter.com/againwoodsy/status/1273932977886638082
15/ https://twitter.com/disrnnews/status/1272871942106886146
16/ https://twitter.com/starsandstrifes/status/1271499506316689409
17/ https://twitter.com/aka_jamesjliny/status/1266099325937094659
18/ ALL LIVES MATTER. https://twitter.com/jordyntrump1/status/1268970147982782466
19/ There are racists in the world, of all colours. The decent, non criminals of the world KNOW this and KNOW how wrong it is. Painting all of us as racists and blaming the system is a complete LIE. Change is not possible unless we are first honest. Truth will set us free.
20/ People can be EVIL, of all colours. Let’s not let those evil people win by spinning lies, we only do the real victims of racism a disservice and injustice.
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