Today, the Syrian Muhaddith Mahmoud Meerah passed away in Riyadh, KSA. Let me share a few things about him.
Interestingly, I just recently purchased a book he edited and annotated, not even two weeks ago. I was actually speaking with @Farid_0v when I was purchasing it.
Life - work, red tape and family - didn't allow him to get an early start in his path of knowledge; he was 30 by the time he finished a BA from the University of Damascus and was well into his 40s when he finished his PhD
Yet, he dedicated his life to Hadith and hadithists benefit from him in ways that many may not realize. Through his personal efforts and Saudi funding, he was able to photo copy loads of hadith manuscripts from around the world.
- work at your own pace and timeline
- do something meaningful
- get involved in hadith :)

May Allah have mercy on him and us!
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