1/7 It's always the same discussion with people and their PKK or PYD critics, and they nearly all come from the same political sphere (KDP). PKK say they want democracy in Turkey. They're getting bashed by idiot trolls who believe the narrative.
2/7 But the very same thing Bashuris did back in the 90's. When they had to give in on their separation ideas and assure the world they want to be a part of Iraq. This is happening right now in Rojava and still people fuck around with wordings.
3/7 Can't you people see how toxic this behavior is for your Kurdish society in terms of understanding and unity? You're not a better Kurd, just because you were lucky to be born in KRG or history gave Bashuris a chance while other parts still suffer.
4/7 Bashuris and KDP/PUK supporters should be the ones defending Kurdish parties in ALL Parts and not just cherry-pick them for your own sake. Can't you think about issue discredit other Kurdish parties ? It's absolutely dumb and bring division in our home.
5/7 PKK is not the reason turkey is bombing Bashur. You all know that. It's to spread fear and hold us divided. It was always like this. You idiots should read some history books before you spread some BS about PKK or KDP.
6/7 Party discipline can't be more important than Kurdish Unity. That's not how we change the issues around our parties. Unity is not made by our parties but by ourselves. Don't be a PKK or KDP supporter, but stand strong for them because they are Kurdish.
7/7 Don't allow people to discredit them as Anti-Kurdish or Jash. And never discredit them in the eyes of foreign powers. Kurds must stand with Kurds and Kurdish struggle in all parts of Kurdistan.
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