What do you call what a cleric worships?
What do you call what a shaman/druid worships?
What's the difference? https://twitter.com/rlrichey/status/1274110156779991040
Ok, let’s look at some of these
https://twitter.com/sinisterinfant/status/1274159569518944264?s=21 https://twitter.com/sinisterinfant/status/1274159569518944264
here’s what I’m getting at:
The armored crusader looking guy worships a god.

The guy who wears feathers and has a notched stick just channels the power of nature in general? Spirits?

Ask yourself what real world traditions are each of these based on? Do they have deities?
Not really proposing anything. I'm saying the way D&D sees religion & spirituality is textbook eurocentrism. W/legitimate religions (christianity, Greek stuff, Norse stuff) covered by Clerics, & illegitimate ones (Animism, voudun, etc.) covered by druids. https://twitter.com/SeebooTheGoblin/status/1274169922692644864?s=20
This is the other one. Groups that had the concept of Daemons, supernatural beings you make deals with, was high on the list of early Christianity's smear campaigns. And today in 2020, we're still perpetuating it with ThE dArK pOwAh oF ThE wArLoCk... https://twitter.com/MonkipiQuinn/status/1274178442989170690?s=20
This is kinda why, if you
A) take the full definition of "priest" and
B) Look at the actual mechanics

Then: druids, warlocks, 4e Barbarians, and even bards make better priests than clerics.
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