It would be nice to not get called a rat when I wanna do my makeup and beat my face for a show. It makes me feel and look good. FOR ME.

It would be nice to not get called that when I’m just trying to enjoy a show and if I’m waiting after a show to talk to buy merch.
“What wrestlers have u fucked” “which wrestlers u been with” “why are u trying so hard, they not gonna fuck u” etc. It never ends. It’s constant assumptions because why... I’m just being supportive?

Even cutting my shirts into Fucking CROP TOPS gives ppl an automatic thought-
That I’m trying to pursue or try something w somebody.

Going to shows thinking I’m gonna have fun but there’s always constant judgement .

Shit like this forreal makes me anxious and upset because sometimes I don’t even want to go to shows anymore.
I love wrestling. I always have. But the fact that women can’t feel safe in an environment where they’re supposed be enjoying themselves really fucking sucks.

BLP, AAW, Freelance, even Vegas for DON last year, I’ve heard people whisper or call me and my friends names.
Just for cheering for people or meeting them after to let them know that their matches went well.
Even starting my onlyfans or the WTAD posts have gotten me some hurtful comments.
The constant assumption upon female fans that just wanna enjoy what they love really needs to stop.
There’s much more I wanna let out but I will leave it at that. End of thread. Thanks for reading.
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