Chicago's #Columbus Drive & the statue in Grant Park glorify a wretched historical figure & are directly connected to facism. A short thread... #TakeThemDown @chicagosmayor
Here's 1920s American movie stars Douglas Fairbanks & Mary Pickford giving the fascist salute: at left, them in Rome features in the Italian press, at right, them with friends featured in Motion Picture Magazine.
In the run-up to the 1933 World's Fair in Chicago, organizers worked extensively with the Italian regime to solicit a large exhibition & Mussolini was eager to take full advantage.
The Italians build a huge modernist exhibit hall in the shape of an airplane, a symbol that the regime adopted to demonstrate their military & technological prowess. The Italians also sent so many exhibits, the overflow had to be hosted in other fair halls.
Their biggest splash was sending Italo Balbo & his squadron across the Atlantic to land on Lake Michigan. The stunt drew 40,000+ on July 15, & Balbo's speech hailed American-Italian friendship. The local press called Balbo "the Christopher Columbus of the 20th Century."
The Balbo monument is prototypical Italian fascist aesthetic - connecting fascist Italy to classical Rome to argue Italy's central role in European civilization.
Anyway, a couple weeks after Balbo's big arrival - August 3 - was Italian Day at the Fair. For this, the Grant Park Statue of Columbus was dedicated & Inner Drive was renamed Columbus Drive. Mussolini addressed the crowd by radio & the Italian ambassador cut a ribbon.
The Columbus reference does similar aesthetic work as the Balbo monument: it positions an Italian as the hero of civilization's spread to the Americas. It unambiguously argues that Italians were the progenitors of settler colonialism. You might even see a fascist salute in there.
The Columbus statue in Arriago Park is a little different. It was erected at the 1892 World's Fair, then mothballed for decades before going back up in Little Italy as part of the 1950s-60s wave of Columbus statues. These were more about mainstreaming #ItalianAmericans as White.
In any case, all this junk needs to come down. Take down the statues & the Balbo Monument, put them in a museum with context & interpretation. And ask @aicchicago to lead a process to rename Columbus Drive. (Maybe this thread wasn't so short...) #TakeThemDown
If you made it this far & want to take action, donate to the @BSAllianceChi to save lives. Then call your Alderperson & tell’em to take down Columbus. Keep your priories in order. 
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