🍊Behind the ‘Orange Curtain’🍊

Before I move on to a different OC Board of Supervisor, I received numerous requests to go into more detail about Dr. Jeff Barke’s background. There’s a lot to discuss, novel worthy, but here is a just little bit more:
Dr Barke was Board President at the time of the controversial Principal post re Kaepernick kneeling, he told the angry crowd "I've heard you loud and clear...it's time for action... actions is what we will get!" Recent posts are concerning that he merely tried to calm a crowd.
While also serving Los Al, Dr Jeff Barke was concerned with "liberal" faculty members skewing lessons on global warming. The board voted to require teachers of controversial subjects (like Science) to prove political balance to the school board each year.
Sadly, what seems to be attacks on teachers hasn’t seemed to stop. I post this bec Dr Barke is now using his very large platform as a community leader with national attention and former Los Alamitos board member, to harass a teacher that doesnt agree with him political.
Before I go on, while researching Los Alamitos I found this sit-in protest being oranganized by students on June 24th from 2:30-4:30pm to fight against the systemic racism in the education system.

Seems very needed for the area so I wanted to make sure I promote it.
I have to to discuss the Haidl case. Dr. Jeff Barke was hired by the (now former) Orange County Assistant Sheriff, Don Haidl, to keep his rapist son, Greg Hadil, out of jail.

But please be warned, the next tweet is graphic. You can skip details and head to the following tweet.
The victim was a 16 year old girl. Greg and his 2 friends videotaped themselves having sex with the victim, her body limp from the alcohol they gave her. The boys also inserted a Snapple bottle, cigarettes and pool cue into the victim.

It’s graphic, but you need to understand.
Dr. Jeff Barke was hired to be Haidl’s physician, visiting twice a week for six months. He told the court "He needs a friend. He needs TLC... That's not what the jail is equipped to give him... It's as far from a therapeutic environment as one can imagine."
Now, this court hearing was in Jan of 2005. Under oath, he had been visiting with Haidl for 6 mths, so about mid-2004. His curriculum vitae shows that in May of 2004 he also took a position w/the Board of Directors for Pathways to Independence (right as he started helping Haidl).
Pathways to Independence is a non-profit that helps young woman living below poverty level, from abusive backgrounds, to become self-sufficient and a positive contributor to our society.

Dr Barke was helping a gang rapist get out of jail WHILE also working w/abused young girls.
I'm going to wrap this up with one more issue that I'd like for all of you to really pay attention to.

Dr Barke was appointed by Michelle Steel to represent the 2nd district on the Emergency Medical Care Committee.
Dr. Barke posted that he heard in Orange County that a resident “following her death was tested per protocol and discovered to have + COVID antibodies”. He suggests these tests could be happening in great numbers & may be responsible for a significant % of reported deaths.
As someone who watches those county mtgs, I knew this was untrue. So I called. Confirmed that our OC Healthy Agency follows CDC COVID guidelines & uses nasal swabs for diagnostic testing. They do not do serologic tests for diagnosis. This was inaccurate info, he most likely knew.
Do you have a problem with Dr. Jeff Barke representing our county as the Emergency Medical Care Commissioner who was appointed by Michelle Steel and posting false information to our community to upset them, create fear, & push his political agenda?

Michelle Steel (714) 834-3220
There’s so much more. We can discuss our Orange County Sheriff Barnes refusing to enforce the new statewide mask mandate and ties he has to Barke and Steel (previous post), but that might need to be a later date.

Until then, let’s not stop having these conversations.
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