(1/5) Published earlier this week, The Red Nation's statement of solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter outlines our commitment to abolition, decolonization, and the liberation of Black and African relatives everywhere. We share it again today to celebrate and honor #Juneteenth :
(2/5) "We pledge to combat the anti-Black racism that runs deep in Native families, communities, and nations. We pledge to use whatever resources we have as The Red Nation to elevate the voices and struggles of our Black and African relatives. We acknowledge and embrace our
(3/5) Black Indigenous relatives wherever they are. We pledge to advance the long histories of shared struggle between Black and Indigenous peoples in all our work. We encourage people to build upon the dreams and histories of liberation that Black and Indigenous people share,
(4/5) rather than compete for resources or recognition of our trauma by the state. Finally, whatever harm we may have caused one another, we encourage Black and Indigenous people to come together in this moment to fight in unity so we can bring this beast down once and for all.
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