after initial shock seeing a senior MSU VP
- appear alongside a noted white supremacist
- dismiss systemic racism as an “unscientific hypothesis”
- insinuate genetic differences in intelligence between racial groups

... I was left with the question, “So what?”

cont. ⬇️
restated, “What harm has Steven Hsu’s role as a senior Vice President at Michigan State University caused & who has been harmed?”

cont. ⬇️
we're conditioned to understand racism & sexism as explicit, hateful acts intentionally perpetrated on individual targets

the #FireStephenHsu grievance runs counter to this trope: it did not arise from stories of direct harm befalling a particular victim

cont. ⬇️
beyond his position as faculty in the physics dept., Hsu also plays a prominent & powerful administrative role @michiganstateu

in this role, Hsu espouses fringe beliefs on the genetics of race that are widely discredited

see, for example,

cont. ⬇️
#FireStephenHsu arises over how Hsu’s role in @michiganstateu‘s administration produces dispersed, generalized harm by perpetuating structural racism & sexism both within our institution and w/in society more broadly

how? let’s name the harm 👇

Hsu’s prestigious position within a major R1 university elevates the status of the fringe scientific beliefs he holds

these same fringe scientific beliefs underpin repugnant ideologies of racist, sexist, & anti-semetic extremists, such as Molyneux & Unz

even if driven purely neglect & ignorance, Hsu’s own actions (such as appearing with Molyneux in his role as Senior VP) have further exacerbated this problem, directly lending the credibility of our institution to such extremists

due to his leadership position @michiganstateu, Hsu’s fringe scientific beliefs and appearances with repugnant extremists associates MSU with those beliefs & actors

this damages our credibility as a research institution

Hsu’s fringe beliefs raise concerns he may permit questionable institutional support for fringe research, bringing into question his capacity to effectively allocate university resources

because of his stature & influence within our institution, Hsu’s own fringe beliefs makes pursuit of conflicting mainstream research needlessly fraught & political

Hsu’s fringe beliefs imply assumptions about the intellectual merit of female & minority scholars that threaten to cloud his judgement with respect their funding & promotion decisions

because of his prominence & influence, Hsu’s beliefs contribute to making vulnerable populations feel threatened, unwelcome, or less than within our community

@michiganstateu‘s tacit consent to Hsu’s beliefs furthers this effect
6️⃣ (cont.)

a female colleague has pointed out to me the particularly insidious personal toll of being represented & overseen by someone who is making such comments about your race or gender

Hsu’s fringe beliefs cast serious doubt on his commitment to combat racism & sexism within our institution

his VPship denies our community an administrator who we can be confident will vigorously & actively pursue our diversity & inclusion goals
7️⃣ (cont.)

progress on diversity & inclusion @michiganstateu will require better than just pro forma statements

progress will require proactive effort
finally, with respect to the nature of the harm caused by Hsu’s leadership role @michiganstateu, I would like to end by asserting

the dispersed & generalized nature of harm does not make that harm any less real


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