How about we address the issue of trivialisation and romanticising of mental illnesses WITHOUT invalidating others' struggles, huh? By being dismissive of their feelings, you contribute to this trivialisation.
No one should be gatekeeping mental health. We have a severe problem of trivializing mental health, with many of us living our daily lives carrying SO MUCH within ourselves. Regardless of whether you're clinically diagnosed or not, it's important that we encourage people to
take care of themselves, instead of invalidating their feelings and struggles just because they're not clinically diagnosed or not depressed in the right way. Because you never know which one of those people you're dismissing needs that mental support. There is no one way.
I understand that it's frustrating when people trivialize and romanticise depression, and of course that's something that needs to be addressed, but not by invalidating their feelings.
It is not right to tell people that their "sadness is not depression" because what do you know? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. It's not for us to say. You're not the only one going through life with struggles and mental health issues, please be more considerate.
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