What’s happening in Yemen and * how to ACTUALLY help *, told by me, a Yemeni

A thread:
Since 2015, the Saudi and United Arab Emirates formed a coalition to wage a war against the people of Yemen. Why? Yemenis wanted change after the Arab Spring, and pushed out long time President Saleh. So Houthi forces in Yemen pushed out the Vice President that was supposed to...
assume the presidency. The VP then fled to Saudi.

What resulted was possibly President Obama’s most cruelest exploit in his 8 years in office.
The US sold billions of dollars in weapons to the Saudis and not only that, but intelligence support, war consulting, even air fueling.

The war was handed off to Trump’s administration and things went from bad to worse. More weapons were sold, laws broken, millions suffered.
They still are. A sea and air blockade is currently enforced leaving most in the country starving.

Some of y’all are just hearing abt this war and want to help. So let’s talk abt it.

First, stop donating to UNICEF, stop sharing trauma porn, and not every Yemen petition does
anything. Listen to the Yemenis who have been working to end this for years. We only advocate for one charity, http://yemenfoundation.org  because they also do anti war work.

We need y’all to make phone calls to your reps, we need u to send emails to them. Pressure the shit out of
them! Start a car caravan and pull up to their house.

Divest from Saudi oil, raise awareness of the war, and if ur Muslim, BOYCOTT HAJJ. And miss me with the sAuDiA doNAteS tHe MosT tO Yemen bullshit. That’s like me kicking u in the balls then giving you an ice pack after.
After three days Saudi/UAE twitter found my thread y’all 😂 the imams and sheikhs coming at me... what took y’all so long? Did ur indentured servants not find it sooner?
#endtheyemenwar #yemencantwait #boycotthajj #endimperialism #yemen
Hey y’all! The @yemenrrf director corrected my ass 😔 SOOO @WHO and @UNICEF are needed orgs that help @yemenrrf (Yemen foundation) they work together to get aid in. I made a mistake, I already got yelled at, so if y’all could kindly spread the word 😗✌🏽
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