It feels more and more like this…
And like this...
Rather than the world being black or white (us vs. them), it starts to be both black and white and every shade in between simultaneously.
Over time, experiencing more perspectives becomes the reward in its own right. Each new perspective feels like I get live another life.
The more perspectives I see from, the more I…

✔️ Come up with “out-of-the-box” ideas to problems that seem unsolvable
✔️ Connect with people from different backgrounds
✔️ Experience the richness of life
In addition to being able to experience multiple realities simultaneously, perspective becomes a choice rather than an identity…
Contradictory perspectives integrate into a larger tapestry rather than being like oil & water…
Wonder replaces certainty...
Over time, this quote speaks to me more and more…

“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.”
— Walt Whitman
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