It simply serves as liaison between the State Department and Congress.

Taylor was a bicycle messenger.
"The Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H) coordinates legislative activity for the Department of State and advises the Secretary, the Deputy, as well as the Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries on legislative strategy."
"H facilitates effective communication between State Department officials and the Members of Congress and their staffs."
Look at the State Department organizational chart.

She was at the very bottom, five boxes over from the left.

She went to Capitol Hill as an intern for the United States Senate in July 2006.

Taylor is another Bushie.

These idiots are rolling out a coordinated strategy that will be as effective as Bush's harebrained scheme to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

I supported the invasion of Iraq because I trusted Bush.


Wrong to trust Bush, and wrong to support the invasion.

Bush screwed up absolutely EVERYTHING about the war and occupation.
The plan was to invade with a small force that used astonishing violence to win in a short time, and then the Iraqis themselves would take over, maintaining order.

Guess what?

We didn't take into account Iraqi propaganda.
All the soldiers and cops were told that we'd massacre them, AND THEN THEY SAW OUR MASSIVE FIREPOWER IN ACTION.

So all the people capable of keeping law and order disappeared, and our small force was totally unable to control the country they now occupied.

The training program under TWO PRESIDENTS failed.

That finally changed my mind forever.

Westerners must never again invade a Middle Eastern country. We have too much historical baggage, and our cultures are too different.

I'll go further:
Susan "Benghazi" Rice says that the Trump administration has been racist to its core for the last three-and-a-half years.

This is like someone telling you that Biden is not senile.

Rice holds black people in utter contempt.
That's why she lies to them.

But this is a STUPID lie.

It's so easily disproven that all it does is show that Rice was playacting at being National Security Advisor.

She's eleven years old.
Like the babyish jibber-jabber that the Bushies and Obama lackeys are peddling, the article is astonishing in its delusion.

It make you realize how many people are completely out of touch with reality.
"She has spent five decades as an intellectual campaigning for racial justice, yet the causes she has pursued – prison reform, defunding the police, restructuring the bail system – had, until recently, been considered too radical for mainstream political thinking."

How does Davis feel about him?
"She can’t even bring herself to say Trump’s name, instead opting for 'the current resident of the White House.'"
Davis wants bail reform.

She got it.

Every city and state that abolished cash bail because so many black criminals could pay is now having to arrest those criminals several times a day.

They prey on black people.
Guess what?

If they don't appear for their trial dates, a bench order is issued.

If arrested, they're immediately released.

So no more trials of career criminals.

But Angela Davis wants this.
What about defunding the police?

Davis is getting THAT too, in the form of massive waves of resignations nationwide.

Guess what?

Trump will send in the National Guard to protect distress communities.

All the rich people who called for this will be on their own.
"The department in recent years has created support centers where supervisors use information from many sources and technologies — including security cameras and gunshot detection systems — to learn where crimes are happening and where they are likely to occur."
What they DON'T tell you is that this is all the result of federal help and training.

Now, "flying squads" are out there, ready to race to areas to PREVENT crimes.

And everything is returning to the way it was before the pandemic and the rioting.
Watch Trump rebuild distress communities at lightning speed.

The "Trump is a racist" dog won't hunt.

Neither the Bushies nor the Obama lackeys could find their butts with both hands.

You know what they're like?
The Bushies and the Obama lackeys are like a lovesick ant crawling up an elephant's leg and promising her that he'll be gentle.

Ever seen those somewhat horrible sealed ecosystems with a plant and brine shrimp?
The shrimp always die, and then you throw the whole thing in the trash.

That sealed globe is Washington DC.

The shrimp swim in circles; Bushies and Obama lackeys recirculate their insane, pre-failed strategies.
Trump is the most radical politician of the modern era.

Almost nobody grasps that.

@RichardGrenell gets it, because HE'S radical too.

Radical in the sense of wanting to IMPROVE OUR LIVES.

And @VP Pence is the same.
The Bushies and Obama lackey's are pelting Trump with dried peas.

Their atrophied little brains are straining at full power.


The country has grown up a lot in the past four months.

Much to the detriment of the Democrats.
So be happy warriors.

Be PATIENT happy warriors.

EXCITED happy warriors.

Don't let lovesick ants and brine shrimp influence you.

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