1) Many have tried to explain their support of Trump by saying, “I don’t care for him BUT….” To that argument I say….

I’m not Black, but Black lives matter.

I’m not Brown, but children should not be separated from parents and put in cages, regardless of how they got here.
2) I’m not Native American, but why did Doctors Without Borders have to come into the US to care for the Navajo Nation? Should we have not cared for our fellow citizens?

I’m not LGBTQ+, but love is love. And all should be protected against discrimination.
3) I’m not Muslim, but why should all Muslims be considered terrorists and banned from the US?

I’m not Jewish, but should our President embrace neo-Nazi’s saying there are “good people on both sides”?
I have health insurance, but don’t we all deserve healthcare?
4) I’m not a farmer, but a trade war did not help those trying to feed America.

I’m not a scientist, but science is truth and can save lives.

I’m not a Syrian, but forcing our military to abandon them, with dire consequences, is inhumane.
5) I’m not in the military, but insulting war heroes and their parents, dismissing traumatic brain injuries suffered in the line of duty, and pardoning war criminals seems disrespectful of the men and women who devote their lives to serve this country.
6) I have a 401(k), but history shows us that, for our generation, the stock market can and does recover.

I’m not a small business owner, but shouldn’t the COVID-19 assistance for Small Business have gone to Small Business instead of Big Business or political donors?
7) I’m in favor of Freedom of Speech, but should groups overtly chanting racist slogans, or debasing other human beings be excused and tolerated just because the President does it?
8) I haven’t contracted COVID-19 (or did I?), but that doesn’t mean we should have been left unprepared by eliminating the pre-warning system designed to protect us from emerging pandemics or refused to be briefed on the potential by the outgoing Administration.
9) Nor should it have been declared a hoax for political reasons.

I’m a healthcare provider and was fortunate to have enough PPE, but how many of my fellow essential employees didn’t?
10) How many staff and patients died unnecessarily due to lack of preparation of the National Strategic Stockpile and the disturbing lack of testing?

I haven’t lost a loved one to COVID-19, but nearly 120k have died. How much time was squandered that could have been used to
11) respond to the pandemic and save lives? Should we not take easy precautions, like wearing a mask to help those around us?

I don’t have a loved one living in a nursing home, but shouldn’t we be providing them with enough PPE so they are safe, their loved ones can visit,
12) and they don’t die alone?

I’m not disabled, but the mocking of a disabled person is cruel and unwarranted.

I haven’t been grabbed by the genitals, but no one should be preyed upon sexually or otherwise.
13) We all lie at some point, but should we ignore the 19K+ lies and misleading statements from our President in 3 ½ years? Facts matter and being able to rely on truth from Power is vital, especially in times of crisis.
14) I’m a Christian, deeply flawed and often miss the mark, but using a bible as a prop, unable to site a single favorite verse, having never repented nor feel the need to, and clearing people with tear gas and flash bangs in order to have a photo op in front of a church
15) he doesn’t attend, seems disingenuous. Should we not all try our best to keep the 10 Commandments?

I’m not a racist, but I must acknowledge Unconscious Bias.
16) I’m White, but I am now aware that I have a responsibility to understand and act on the systems in place that perpetrate an uneven playing field for People of Color. Indifference and Intolerance has no place in our melting pot of a nation.
17) I haven’t been the victim of police brutality, nor had police action taken against me due to the color of my skin, but we have all seen the videos of such action by those that should be protecting us. Wouldn’t a culture of “Protect and Serve” benefit us all?
18) I haven’t had an abortion, but shouldn’t that be a decision between a woman and her God?

I’m not Medicare age, but shouldn’t we protect the funds for those who paid into it all their lives?
19) I’m an American, who believes that the Constitution is part of our bedrock, but shouldn’t we demand that the Constitution and Rule of Law be followed and respected regardless of your position in life?
20) I’m not a journalist, but to be targeted during Constitutionally protected protests, makes speaking Truth to Power all the more important. Freedom of the Press is one of the foundations of the United States.
21) I’m an American voter, but shouldn’t Americans be the only ones to help select our leaders, not outside influences?

I’m a gun owner, but does that mean weapons of war should be available that our children must be traumatized by the necessity of “shooter drills” in school?
22) I’m not a first or second generation American, but my ancestors were. They, along with millions from around the world, came together to build the country into what it is today. Immigrants continue to make us better, why should Dreamers bare the weight of decisions made by
23) when they are contributing to the betterment of the country?

I’m a middle-class taxpayer, but shouldn’t we all pay our fair share? No more and no less?

It’s not all about me. It’s not all about you either. And it is certainly not all about one leader!

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