As had been widely reported, a judicial review is being brought against the Tavistock - pretty much the only place in England that treats trans kids - for prescribing puberty blockers (drugs that suspend the physical changes brought on by puberty). THREAD
Here's what the transgender claimant in that case says about what (she says) the Tavistock got wrong.

She couldn't have given informed consent because the Tavistock failed to provide her with relevant information information about puberty blockers (
The lawyer in her case is a man called Paul Conrathe. He's an interesting man, Paul. He acts in lots of cases of interest to the US Christian right, including opposing assisted dying and abortion rights. Some background on him in this report.
You can watch Paul here talking about one of those anti-abortion cases. He says the basis of the case is the need to supply "appropriate and accurate information for women when they're requesting an abortion."
But hang on.

Isn't the argument about doctors needing to give women certain 'facts' about abortions before women can properly consent to an abortion the exact analogue to the argument Paul is making in his case against the Tavistock?

Reader, it is.

But hang on, there's more.
Another aspect of the case against the Tavistock is that those under 18 are incapable of consenting - they are not what lawyers call 'Gillick competent' (i.e. sufficiently mentally responsible) - to taking puberty blockers (
And my question is this; if those under 18 are not capable of consenting to taking puberty blockers, what does that mean for their ability to consent to having an abortion?

If he wins against the Tavistock will Paul, and the Christian Right, stop there? Really?
To those who describe themselves as 'gender-critical feminists' - along with them I decry the use of the expression TERF as a slur - and who oppose the modest work that the Tavistock is able to do given its budgetary constraints, I say: be careful what you wish for.
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