Serpents to crawl in bellies as opposed of the dragon serpent Samael rode with legs ...Samael is angel of death ... many classify demons per the sin they rule aka Lust would be Asmodeus Mammon is greed ... it’s thought the first three to fall were Lucifer Beelzebub and leviathan
Essentially Belial Satan Samael Lucifer one in same

It’s so complex and best understood in terms of tanks in hierarchies not just as one giant group... Semyaza led watchers of which Samael was one per Enoch so does that make Semyaza Chief over Samael ? No ..

Lucifer is the
General consensus as the greatest creation God ever ever made and different traditions have ascribed the names of Belial Samael etc to this figure .... Baphonet bears the sigil of Satan as Samael ... Beelzebub is super powerful ... following the hierarchies we kno the most
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