Don't underestimate sleep.

Sleep is vital for:

-Stress control
-Losing weight
-Mood regulation
-Addiction Recovery

Yes I said Addiction recovery.

If you're sleep deprived, you will not have the strength to resist temptation.

You will be much more stressed leading to the need to "escape"

You'll feel lethargic and will lack the motivation to stay sober.

I tell all my coaching clients to make sure they get 7-8 hours of sleep.

I also want them to go to bed at the same time every night.

You won't achieve quality, regular sleep if your bedtime varies 4 hours every night.

One of the easiest ways to get better sleep is to turn all devices off at least an hour prior to bed.

i mean ALL devices.

We go from the work computer, to the home tv, to the phone in bed.

That blue light is majorly affecting your sleep.

Turning off your devices allows your mind to slow down.

It removes all the visual stimulation which keeps your mind racing when you try to sleep.

Also, many men are very vulnerable to porn relapse when sitting on the phone in bed.

If you want to greatly increase your chances for recovery,

Get Good Sleep.

-No devices an hour before bed
-Consistent bedtime/wakeup
-No TV in bedroom
-Establish a nightly routine
-Read books/pray/mediate before bed

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