I think Kamala would be a terrific match for Biden. I also think Warren would be a terrific VP. There are great arguments for both.

But why am I seeing so many white folks who backed a problematic white man for POTUS suddenly caring about diversity & racial justice for VP?
Where were these concerns during the primary voting, when the race was down to a woman with A+ racial justice plans against four white men with awful records/plans on racial justice? Why did you let the white men skate, only to now invoke these concerns against a woman?
Representation matters. Diverse perspectives from different lived experience matters. But that applies to the top of the ticket too. We've never had a woman as president; why wasn't that "what the moment demanded" six months ago? Why was it yet another white man?
We could have had Warren/Castro or Warren/Harris. Or even Harris, Booker, Castro, or Yang at the top of the ticket. But I'm seeing the very people who locked up the top spot for another white man now acting like the only option is to have incredible women fight for VP scraps.
I'm seeing a woman who told white crowds in IA & NH that racial justice must be at the center of every policy - & promptly got passed by dog-whistling "Heartland values" Pete & Amy - now being called performative & Karen by folks who didn't care when it was costing Warren votes.
Like I said, there are great arguments for Kamala or another Black woman to be VP. But if you're citing concerns you didn't raise during the primary when backing a white man, it makes me wonder what's really driving you. Do you simply want a moderate, and are disingenuously
taking advantage of important diversity concerns to filter out the most progressive option? Are your concerns honestly held, but it was simple misogyny that led you to let a white man skate on those concerns, only to now raise them against a much better white woman? I wonder.
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