GW: We will bring all children in all year groups back to school in September. He reassures parents that there are measures in place to keep children safe and it is in children's interests to return.
"Our hugely ambitious catch up plan" will get children back to where they should be. It will lift outcomes for all pupils and target those at most risk of falling behind.
This crisis will have affected children in many different ways which is why schools are being given discretion over how to spend the £650m.
Over the coming weeks DfE will publish further information and guidance for the full return in September.
First question should surely be does all children in all years also mean all full time, since he didn't say that even though Johnson said it repeatedly earlier.
BBC @branwenjeffreys asks the big question. How can they return full time if social distancing is still in place? He blathers a bit. A lot. He says we can look at making sure every child can return to school. Protective measures are needed and there will be further guidance
Branwen follows up. GW says we are looking at expanding those bubbles to include the whole class. So that's news.
It doesn't answer the question for secondaries though as bubbles cannot work there.
Why has FE and EY been left out? He says they want to look at different ways for EY and is going to work closely with FE to add on additional support that they want.
Now @SamCoatesSky who interviewed BJ earlier to clarify whether we mean all children full time or not. Are we getting rid of social distancing or are we having more teachers and more space? Good questions.
GW says he is sorry Sam is confused. He says he wants to bring back every child in every year group full time but must consult on how to do it.
In answer to a question on interactive online teaching, GW says he wants to see every child get the most from their teachers remotely. He bigs up @OakNational and the laptop scheme and ignores the interactive bit of the question.
He is being very tetchy about this with Sam Coates, implying Trump-like that negative questions are unwelcome.
Should tutoring be a permanent thing to drive up standards? GW says that personal tutoring has the best evidence for making a difference. Will be looking at whether through PP such evidence based initiatives can deliver brilliant outcomes (so no really).
Amy Gibbons from @tes now. Asks if there should be catch up plans for every child for the summer. He says they are asking all schools to be getting in touch with children to come into school for face to face time to have the support to catch up.
Does he want teachers to work this summer? He says EEF has good evidence that schemes can coming back to schools during the summer but wants schools to tailor their plans. Bit hopeless that answer.
Sorry that wasn't more illuminating. The only new thing is that he will consult in the next few weeks and that primary bubbles are likely to be expanded in September to be the whole class.
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