Yes, critical race theory, intersectionalism and marxism ARE legitimate threats to the church and antithetical to the gospel. Yes, they ARE being adopted and adapted by people who NORMALLY have a biblical worldview.
I'd like to invite believers on 'both sides' to pump their brakes just a little. Everyone saying 'black lives matter' isn't a marxist anymore than everyone saying 'all lives matter' is a racist. Slow down and actually listen to each other, talk, ask questions.
Get some clarity before you toss in 'marxist', 'whiteness' and all of the rest of grenade-level terms designed to destroy communication and put 'your opponent' in a box.

And yes conservative folks, you too have been guilty of it.
I could tag a few folks I disagree with, but I still believe they are believers. Misled ? Yes. Adopting standard secular-level reasoning instead of using a Christian worldview ? Yes. Apostate ? No. Unbeliever ? No.
One brother in the faith (he's a pastor) recently posted to me that since he knows me personally and knows I have no other agenda than to see Christ glorified, he has listened more and his views have changed over the years.

It's been about 6-7 years of conversations on
this topic. Sometimes change does take that long.

It's okay, believers. It's okay. Christ has us in the body to actually do this. The ground for our communication is the shed blood of Christ. Therefore, I'm not going to 'give up' on some folks just because they
"don't get it" now. Sometimes God works slowly with folks. My job (and yours) may simply be to plant a seed and water. I've seen that with unbelievers I've had multiple long conversations with.

In addition, my views have been sharpened in dealing with folks I disagree with.
I'm even considering (heavily) moving to using "Black Lives Also Matter - not more, not less - Equally. Imago Dei" to clarify the position I hold to. Thanks to @BibChr for the long exchanges, even though he still doesn't think it's biblical to say it (or anything like it)
As a weird (but expected) coincidence, there are quite a few pro-black folks who agree with all of the evangelical critiques of BLM the organization. All of these are good.

But believers need to put the swords down and talk as brothers. Period.

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