I step away from Twitter for 1 day and this is what I come back to lol.

All good. No beef.

But I would like to clarify some of the misleading information.

The questions that should be asked are:

1) Is it for me?
2) Is it necessary?

So that’s how ill address it.

[Continued] https://twitter.com/AskTheGiver/status/1273754035716325376
Why? Because asking it in this manner eliminates inherent bias that can come with the way a question is posed.

Let’s talk about what it is and let others form their own opinion about whether it’s for them or not.

Let’s begin..

Is it for you, @AskTheGiver?

Only you can decide.

• Do you have less than 500 followers?
• Are you willing to put in the effort?
• Struggling to connect?
• Unsatisfied with your growth?
• Want to Network?
• Want a chance at earning $?

My guess is the answer is “no”

It’s probably not for you.

Nor is it designed to be.

And a simple glance through the landing page would have made that clear.

But does that mean it’s not for everyone? And that it’s a scam?

Absolutely not.

It just means that it’s not for you.

So now let’s discuss the next question:

Is it necessary?


Of course it’s not ‘necessary.’

Products aren’t sold because they are necessary.

Products are sold to provide guidance to those who need it...

In whatever the topic of interest is.

Besides essential goods the answer to the question “is it necessary” is no.

Plain and simple.

Can it guide?
Can it help?
Can it educate?
Can you earn?
Can it close the gap from A to B?
Does it accelerate?
Are their benefits?

Those are the kind of questions you can ask your audience without providing inherent bias.

And in turn you’d probably receive a more meaningful/informational response.

So now let’s address something else..
If you take a look at the responses

Most people who are agreeing with you state something along the lines of

“I purchased it but haven’t used it, I guess it’s not necessary”

Who’s at fault here?

The fact of the matter is TGC is a guide and not a product.

This means...

That it takes effort

But as long as you hit the check marks you’ll be guided in the right direction.

[again, think newer accounts - <500]

So if you bought it and didn’t use it for what it’s worth then you clearly wouldn’t understand the purpose of it or it’s benefits.

If you don’t use a product how can you know if it would have benefited you or not?

Next concern:

Are the results fabricated?

I see that my good friend @Cameron6M was wrongfully put on blast by @bglock09 & I need to provide some clarity to this.

Did @Cameron6M do a giveaway that helped gain followers?


Was this associated with TGC?


If someone wants to do a giveaway I can’t stop them. But those results are not included for TGC rewards or stats.

This is made very clear by @Cameron6M’s testimonial:
Stating that his results are “slimy” is, well, ridiculously wrong.

In no way did he claim that his increase in followers were attributed to TGC.

The email @bglock09 took a screenshot of was written 1 month before the giveaway that @Cameron6M did.

Some accounts do giveaways to grow,

Some don’t.

That’s a personal matter that is in no way a part of the value TGC brings.

It is also made clear in the statistics I provided (image)

I clearly didn’t attempt to claim that those followers were attributed to TGC.

So now let’s talk about the benefits that weren’t mentioned.

The opportunity to save >$200 on products that collectively have over 300 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ratings.

And adding 3 more soon.

No, I do not take any affiliate earnings on these as a way to negotiate a large discount

And provide value to the TGC community.

On top of this there are discounted offers for 3 of the most recognized Twitter automation tools:

- SocialBee (20% off first 12 months)
- Hypefury (First month free)
- Zlappo (25% off every month)

[Almost forget to mention the Coalition Coins that can be redeemed as Amazon Gift Cards.]

Too many benefits to keep track of tbh. ;)
For those who do choose to follow the guidelines there are rewards given each month.

Potential to earn $100’s every month.

Why? Because sometimes people need guidance and incentive to remain consistent, like a player needs a coach.

You might look at it as

“$17/m is a pyramid scheme and a scam”

But it’s intentions are to provide continual access to:

- Exlusively discounted products (>$200 in savings)

- Discounted twitter automation tools (>$100’s in savings)

- Monthly rewards/earnings/challenges (>$200)
When you choose to see it from that light $17/m seems like a pretty good deal.

Like I said, it’s more than a product.

It’s a platform that houses many benefits.

Is it for you?

Maybe, maybe not.

But is there anything else like this on twitter that gives you..

An avenue by which you can

- easily make connections to help you grow

- access twitters best products for a discount

- access automation tools for a discount

- win rewards and challenges monthly

Nope. There’s nothing else like it.

Don’t get me wrong though

That doesn’t mean it’s necessary.

Nor does it mean it’s for you.

I’ll never say that.

But it does mean that it’s beneficial for hundreds of accounts out there

And that it’s benefits go beyond Twitter growth.
Kinda like Costco tbh.

You pay a membership fee to have access to products at a discounted price + many more benefits.

- Is Costco necessary? Nope.

- Do you need Costco to survive? No.

Some prefer the grocery store.

I’ll take my Costco membership tho.

I hope this helps shed some positive light on a thread that was intended for negativity.

If you know Money Twitter you know we don’t put up with negative bullshit.

If anyone has more questions or concerns feel free to come to me.
I gotta go get ready for a $100 giveaway I’m doing today tho :)

Someone in TGC is earning big!

Much love y’all.

To be clear,

I don’t have beef with anyone involved in this thread.

The only thing I have beef with is calling out a product you’ve never used or don’t understand.

If you bought it, use it.

And if you use it and STILL don’t see results then we can talk.

You can follow @DallenReber.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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